Pro Life Central Deanery CCW Fall General Meeting

We welcome you to the Fall General Meeting of Central Deanery. Council of Catholic Women. Don't miss this informative and exciting day! In the morning session, we will hear from our distinguished guest speaker, Dr. Ellen Wayne, the new CEO and Executive Director of Catholic Charities. During lunch, we will meet and get updates from ministry directors, Deanna Herbst-Hoosac of Respect Life, Katherine Bowers of Birthline/Lifeline and Kenda Peterson of Women's Pregnancy Solutions Program. At some time during the day, the Mobile Sonogram Unit will arrive and allow us to view their capabilities. Special thanks to St. Jude/Tequesta CCW for hosting our event!
You may pay at the door, just let us know you are coming! Call Dorothy at 561-310-6596 to reserve your seat.
Light breakfast and a delicious, catered, hot lunch will be provided so please let us know as soon as possible how many will be attending. All women are welcome. Bring your friends, family. Spread the good news!