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2023 Masses

TV Masses

Diocese of Palm Beach TV Masses

View Masses as seen on our televised weekly Sunday Mass. Tune in each week for the televised Catholic Mass which airs Sundays at 10:30 a.m. on CW34. Priests from around the five-counties of the diocese along with Bishop Barbarito bring the Mass to the sick, homebound and all the people of God on a weekly basis. The televised Mass is produced by the Diocesan Office of Communications. Music is covered by One License A-730917. 

Please click on a button below to open the Masses for that month:            

The televised Catholic Mass is supported by tax-deductible contributions from viewer donations and the Diocesan Services Appeal.  To donate online, click here. To mail a donation, please send to:

The Catholic Mass
DPB Office of Communications
9995 North Military Trail
P.O. Box 109650
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-9650

Please be sure to write in the memo of the check “TV Mass.”   A free missalette to help viewers celebrate the televised Mass is available upon request by sending such written request to the same address above.

The televised Catholic Mass is a powerful ministry.  Thank you to those who support this far-reaching ministry and for sharing your feedback.  Please continue to share your thoughts with the Office of Communications at or 561-775-9561.

Where to Watch our TV Mass

You can watch 10:30am - 11:00am on CW34 WTVX, or on our website or Facebook Page.

How to Find CW34 WTVX

The CW34 channel can be found on the following cable systems:

    On Comcast, you will find CW34 on Channels 4 & 435 HD 
    On AT&T/U-Verse, you will find CW34 on Channels 4 & 1004 HD
    On Direct TV & DISH Network, you will find CW34 on Channel 4
    On Hometown Cable Plus, you find CW34 on Channels 4 & 304
    On Digital Antennas, you find CW34 on the Over-Air-Channel 34.1

Diocese of Palm Beach TV Mass Testimonials

"Thank you for bringing the Sunday Mass into my home." - Jeanne B

"Just a small note to thank you for the pleasure I have watching the TV Mass and all the different and beautiful churches. God Bless." - Cecilia

"Thank you for the lovely TV Mass every Sunday. We are very handicapped and are grateful to see and hear Mass every Sunday." - Mr. and Mrs. Frank S
