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USCCB Work on Behalf of Migrants

Pope Francis Writes to U.S. Bishops Affirming Their Work on Behalf of Migrants

This week, Pope Francis wrote to the bishops of the United States, recognizing their efforts with migrants and refugees, recalling that, “[t]he Son of God, in becoming man, also chose to live the drama of immigration.” In his letter, the Holy Father wrote:

"I exhort all the faithful of the Catholic Church, and all men and women of good will, not to give in to narratives that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. With charity and clarity we are all called to live in solidarity and fraternity, to build bridges that bring us ever closer together, to avoid walls of ignominy and to learn to give our lives as Jesus Christ gave his for the salvation of all."

The complete letter is here.


USCCB President Responds to Letter from Pope Francis

In response to Pope Francis’ letter to the U.S. bishops this week regarding the Church’s work for migrants and refugees, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, president of the USCCB, wrote to the Holy Father expressing gratitude for his prayerful support and requesting his continued prayers, stating:

“In these times of fear and confusion, we must be ready to answer our Savior’s question, ‘what have you done for the least of these?’ We all turn to the Lord in prayer that families suffering from the sudden withdrawal of aid may find the strength to endure. With you, we pray that the U.S. government keep its prior commitments to help those in desperate need. We also turn to the People of God to ask their mercy and generosity in supporting the Catholic Relief Services national collection this Lent as well as the 'on the ground' work of local Catholic Charities organizations so that the void might be filled with the efforts of all.”

The complete letter is here.
