FORT PIERCE | An array of pro-life speakers appeared Feb. 1, 2025, for the Treasure Coast’s 15th annual March for Life rally at the Birthline/Lifeline pregnancy care center in Fort Pierce, with the theme of “Working Together for Life.”
“We really worked together to defeat Amendment 4, and I think we showed with God’s help, by working together, we can do anything,” said Jim Thoma, emcee of the event, sponsored by St. Lucie County Sanctuary for Life.
Before the rally’s start, Katherine Bowers, Catholic Charities’ Birthline/Lifeline program director, said, “We are so happy to be here serving the community of Fort Pierce and the surrounding area. The women that we see here, they need help, extra help,” and when they have made “the decision for life, to continue on with the pregnancy, we provide them with baby essentials, clothes, diapers, wipes and baby formula.”
The rally speakers encouraged and invigorated the pro-life faithful by giving them a boost to continue to defend all human life (born and unborn), and to continue to work toward an end of abortion.
Deanna Herbst-Hoosac, Respect Life director with Catholic Charities, said, “In our efforts to protect life in law, we must redouble our efforts to serve and support women facing unexpected and difficult pregnancies, offering compassion and the support they need to welcome the gift of life.”
The Rev. Bryan Longworth, president of Personhood Florida, led the opening prayer; the national anthem was recited with accompaniment by Thoma on his trumpet. Marc Richard, St. John of the Cross Knights of Columbus deputy grand Knight, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Deacon Martin Sandigo of Holy Family Parish in Port St. Lucie told the crowd, “There are almost 70 million abortions already here in America. That is a genocide, and nobody can say it is terrible because somebody will say, ‘I cannot say that because I am going to hurt somebody’s feelings,” he said. “That is not the way. We have to say the truth.”
John Giorgis, Respect Life president at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Port St. Lucie and founder of the local Sanctuary for Life chapter, gave a moving tribute to Ed Daccarett, an influential Treasure Coast pro-life leader who recently died.
A large group from St. Anastasia Parish in Fort Pierce attended the March for Life rally. Ann Rise, producer of the Lenten Passion play at the Sunrise Theater, said, “Abortion devaluates life,” and “we are saving lives.”
Father Joshua Martin, parochial vicar at St. Anastasia, officially ended the speaker rally with a blessing before participants began a peaceful march toward city hall with the faithful carrying colorful pro-life signs. There, the participants formed a human life chain in a public display of their defense of the sanctity of life.
For information on Respect Life ministry in the Diocese of Palm Beach, email Herbst-Hoosac at dherbst@ccdpb.org. To learn about the work of Birthline/Lifeline, visit www.birthlinelifeline.org or call 772-241-5863 or 561-732-0570.