ORLANDO | Susan Baldwin of St. Helen Parish in Vero Beach received the 2024 Pro-life Person of the Year Award from the Diocese of Palm Beach during the 37th annual Florida Culture of Life Conference Oct. 18-19 in Orlando.
Susan Baldwin poses with her husband, Don, at the Culture of Life Conference in Orlando Oct. 19, 2024. Baldwin was honored as the Diocese of Palm Beach Pro-life Person of the Year.
They joined St. Helen’s Respect Life Ministry, which she co-chaired with Marie Ferretti starting in 2017 and became lead co-chair in 2023. Their ministry includes an annual pro-life rosary prayer service, a public Stand for Life event, a Butterfly Release for stillborn, miscarried and aborted children, and more recently the Dignity of Life series, addressing such topics as human trafficking.
Susan gives credit for the ministry’s success to the framework established by Ferretti, the enthusiasm of ministry members and support from the parish. To connect with St. Helen Parish, visit www.sthelenvero.org. For information on local pro-life activities, go to https://www.ccdpb.org/programs/respect-life/ or contact Deanna Herbst-Hoosac at dherbst@ccdpb.org or 561-360-3330.