Please see the message below from Dr. Ellen Wayne, the CEO of Catholic Charities Palm Beach. We thank Catholic Charities for their continued support of those in need!
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, our hearts and prayers go out to all of those who are struggling to recover from the loss and destruction caused by this significant weather event. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach stands with our colleagues here in the State of Florida, and across our network of agencies to offer support and assistance to those who struggle to recover in the aftermath. Locally, we know all too well the challenges that linger long after the storm has passed. We know, too, of the overwhelming care and compassion of our community and its willingness to help neighbors in need.
For those who have expressed an interest in providing financial support, thank you. You can donate directly to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach, with your donation earmarked specifically for Hurricane Helene relief.
Be assured that 100% of your contribution will be used exclusively for this purpose. If you wish to send checks or other financial support via mail or other means, please clearly indicate Hurricane Helen in the memo so that we can be sure to allocate your contribution appropriately. The mailing address for our local headquarters is: 100 W. 20th Street, Riviera Beach, FL 33404.
Additionally, support can be directed to Catholic Charities USA below:
For those that have reached out asking for additional ways they can help, the immediate need is for personal hygiene items (soap/body wash, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes/toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizers and wipes). Additionally, home cleanup items including 5-gallon buckets, sponges, bleach and disinfectants as well as broom, mops and tarps are in high demand. If your school, parish/faith community, HOA or other group associations are interested in conducting a collection drive for these items, we will be happy to assist you with getting the items into the hands of those most in need. Please note, at this time donations of clothing, household items and toys are STRONGLY discouraged.
Most importantly, we continue to offer prayers—for those who have suffered incredible loss, for those who have lost their lives, and for those who are working tirelessly to bring aid and comfort to the communities impacted. Know we stand with you, and may God bring you strength and comfort in the days ahead.
Ellen T. Wayne, Ed.D.