NORTH PALM BEACH | Twenty-five men in formation to become permanent deacons attended their annual formation retreat with their wives July 19-21, 2024, at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center in North Palm Beach.
Deacon Pete DelValle, director of permanent diaconate formation, coordinated the retreat to gather the deacon classes together to learn, share and grow their faith by praying the Liturgy of the Hours, silent reflection, celebration of the Eucharist, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and formation sessions.
Retreat director Ivonne Sherman presented several sessions about how the third person of the Triune God, the Holy Spirit, moves in our lives, along with an activation session to reflect and take action to overcome the challenges faced on the road to holiness.
Currently, the diocese’s Permanent Diaconate Formation Program includes 12 aspirants, seven candidates and six lectors and acolytes. On July 21, the retreatants witnessed Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito celebrate Mass for the admission to candidacy for ordination of eight men and one man was also conferred as lector and acolyte.
The men received a special blessing from the bishop in preparation of the next stage of formation. “Lord, help your servants to understand and live the mystery of your love more completely every day,” Bishop Barbarito said. “Deepen their sense of purpose as they prepare for the sacred ministry of the church and fill them with the spirit of your love so that they may be wholehearted in bringing salvation to mankind for the glory of your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The formation program entails five years of study, prayer, and human and pastoral preparation at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, with new classes starting in August. The program is preceded by a period of discernment, or “aspirancy,” which prepares the men, with the presence and support of their wives, if married, and family.
After the aspirancy period, the men are conferred to the Rite of Admission to Candidacy. In that rite, the one who aspires to ordination publicly manifests his will to offer himself to God and the church to exercise a sacred order. In that way, he is admitted into the ranks of candidates for the diaconate.
The rite has a public character and ecclesial significance. Enrollment among the candidates for holy orders is a first official recognition of the positive signs of vocation to the diaconate, which must be confirmed in the subsequent years of formation. After candidacy, men are conferred to the Rite of Admission to Lector and Acolyte. This allows the formation deacons to put their academic knowledge into practice by proclaiming the word of God at Mass as lectors and assisting the priest, especially at the altar, as an acolyte.
Once the five years of study and practicums are completed, a formation deacon is ordained as a permanent deacon and serves his diaconal ministry at his home parish.
To learn more about the permanent diaconate, contact Deacon DelValle’s office at 561-775-9540.