OKEECHOBEE | While priests are chosen in a special way to shepherd God’s people, all people are given a calling, “just as Jesus called those apostles and sent them out on mission,” said Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito at a July 13 Mass installing Father Wesler Hilaire as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Okeechobee.
“As we celebrate his being installed as pastor, we celebrate who we are as a parish,” the bishop said in his homily. “This is not simply about the priest. This is not simply about the pastor. This is about all of us, because as we come together, we realize that we are the parish family of Sacred Heart here in Okeechobee, and that each one of us, each one of us has a call, a call from God to build up this parish, to make the presence of Jesus through this parish evident to others.”
Father Hilaire, who had served Sacred Heart for a year as parochial administrator, was appointed pastor, effective July 1. He was joined at the celebration by many fellow priests, along with a large number of parishioners, family members and friends.
Bishop Barbarito, in comments linked to the National Eucharistic Revival, said the installation of a new pastor brings to mind what is at the center of any Catholic parish: the celebration of the Mass.
“It is here that we celebrate — not simply recall what Jesus did for us in his passion, in his death and his resurrection — but as we celebrate the Mass we enter into that mystery,” he said. “We enter into his action in his passion, his death and his resurrection, and he gives us, as he gave the disciples at the Last Supper, his body and his blood as our food.”
The bishop pledged his prayers and support for Father Hilaire and appreciation for Father Sean Mulcahy, who has served the Okeechobee parish for more than 40 years.
“I know what a wonderful parish family you are and how supportive you are of the priests of your parish,” Bishop Barbarito said. “And I also know how Father Wesler will do his very best each and every day to be the priest he has been called to be, and to give of himself in a joyful and sacrificing manner.”
Addressing Father Hilaire during the installation ceremony, Bishop Barbarito acknowledged Father Mulcahy and the parish staff, who will “assist you in the pastoral care of the people of this parish. Continue to share this ministry in the spirit of mutual trust, common prayer and genuine concern.”
Asking members of the parish and finance councils to stand, the bishop advised Father Hilaire to consult them as the “voice of the people” and “be attentive to the needs they express.” Father Hilaire pledged to seek their guidance.
“Father Wesler, continue to be a loving father, a gentle shepherd and a wise teacher of your people so that you may lead them to Christ, who will strengthen all that you do,” Bishop Barbarito said.
At the end of the Mass, Father Hilaire expressed gratitude to many who participated, including the bishop, Father Brian King and other concelebrating priests. One of those priests, Father Leonard Dim, who attended St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary with Father Hilaire, will be installed Sunday, July 28, as pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Lake Worth Beach.
In English, Spanish and French, Father Hilaire said, “To my beloved family of Sacred Heart Parish in Okeechobee and to those who are here with us and those who are celebrating with us online, allow me to thank you for dedicating your time to come and to support me as your pastor. Thank you to the members of the finance and pastoral councils of the parish, and thank you to all our workers and volunteers of the parish. Together, along with the help of God, we will make a difference in our lives and the lives of our beloved people of Sacred Heart Church in Okeechobee and beyond.”
For information on Sacred Heart Parish and to view the recorded installation Mass, visit Facebook at www.facebook.com/SacredHeartChurchOkeechobee/. Call the parish at 863-763-3727.