LAKE WORTH BEACH | As Father Jean Boulin was installed July 7, 2024, as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Lake Worth Beach, his mind naturally recalled the impacts of so many on his upbringing.
With tears in his eyes at the end of the 11 a.m. Mass, he told parishioners, “This week, I began to think of my life and wish that my great-aunt and my mom would have been here today. But I know they’re here, not physically but in my heart,” stopping to wipe his tears. “And now you see why I’m a quiet priest, right? It’s a great day and I’m very happy. I’m very grateful for the blessings and the love I’ve received from you.”
In May, Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito appointed Father Boulin as pastor of the parish he has served for a year as parochial administrator. The pastoral appointment was made official July 1. As the main celebrant at the Sunday liturgy, along with many of Father Boulin’s priest friends, the bishop explained the installation ceremony. The new pastor renews his commitment as a priest and expresses the acceptance of his new role to teach, sanctify and govern the parish.
Addressing parishioners in the nearly filled church during his homily, Bishop Barbarito spoke of Sacred Heart as a family dedicated to serving God.
“The parish of Sacred Heart is a very rich parish, not only in terms of its faith, its hope and its love, but in terms of having a Catholic school, a Catholic school to which it is so dedicated and which hands onto our young people our faith,” he said. “And it also is a rich parish because it’s rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. People of many different backgrounds and cultures coming together as one family in order that we might share in that faith, that hope and that love.”
Calling all the faithful to build up the parish, the bishop said, “We give thanks to Father Jean for the gift that he is to our diocese and to this parish. As you’ve come to know him over the past year you know what a loving man he is. What a gentle man he is. What a man of faith that he is. And we are grateful to him. And as he continues doing such a marvelous job here as pastor, we support him as a family.”
During the installation ceremony, Bishop Barbarito acknowledged members of the parish staff, school leadership and parish and finance councils, and he advised Father Boulin to consult them as the “voice of the people” and “be attentive to the needs which they express.” Father Boulin responded that he would continue to seek their counsel on spiritual and temporal care.
After the bishop asked him if he resolved to serve the parish, united with Christ to teach and preach the faith, Father Boulin led the congregation in the profession of faith. He then agreed to submit himself to God’s word and the bishop’s authority, to follow the church’s teaching on faith and morals and the wisdom of the pope and the church’s magisterium.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Father Boulin spoke in English, Spanish and Creole, remembering the two summers he served Sacred Heart Parish as a seminarian. Now, at least two decades later, he is the pastor. “You just do not know,” he said.
Thanking Bishop Barbarito for a wonderful liturgy and for entrusting the parish to him, Father Boulin recalled a parishioner who told him how she was going to be out of town for two weeks, but changed her plans because she wanted to attend his installation Mass. “To me, that was very powerful. That simple act of love speaks volumes. And I thank you for saying that. Not only saying that, but doing that,” he said.
Father Boulin also expressed gratitude to his brother priests, parish staff and volunteers, along with his brother, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews and his many friends in attendance. He also singled out parishioners from his former assignment, St. Peter in Jupiter, who came to the celebration. Father Boulin served at St. Peter for 10 years, with Father Wesler Hilaire, who is set to be installed July 13 as pastor of Sacred Heart in Okeechobee.
“So, two priests from the same parish, St. Peter, and each going to different Sacred Hearts in the diocese,” he said. “And Bishop, if you have a third Sacred Heart, again St. Peter will get it again for sure.”
Grateful for all in the community who make Sacred Heart an important part of their life, Father Boulin said, “The whole team, please know that I am indeed grateful for your support, for your love. I alone cannot do it. As a team, we can achieve great things. Thank you for the trust and your support.”
To view the Mass shown live on Facebook, visit www.facebook.com/sacredheartcatholicchurchlw/videos/1700902400470548. For more information about the parish, connect on Facebook or go to https://sacredheartchurchfamily.com/.