WEST PALM BEACH | It was a special day at Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence on May 17 as youngsters and adults honored Mary, the Mother of God, with a children’s procession and May crowning at the senior residence and nursing facility.
Staff, volunteers, Carmelite sisters and residents sat and watched as children with their mothers and/or grandmothers carried bouquets of flowers toward the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, placing flowers at her feet.
As they processed, they sang the traditional Marian crowning hymn, “Bring Flowers of the Rarest.” One of the children, Lily-Anne Nelson, climbed a ladder to place a wreath of flowers atop the Marian statue.
Father Tomasz Bochnak, chaplain, blessed the statue of Mary with holy water and led the faithful in praying a Hail Mary and the prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The hymns “Immaculate Mary” and “Ave Maria” also were sung.
“I think the facility is incredible and the nuns are very special,” said MaryAnn Cody, board chair at Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence. “They really have a mission of love here where they treat the elderly with love, dignity, respect and compassion in keeping with the mission of their foundress, Mother Angeline.”
Resident Marcella DeMuth said, “I am very pleased that I am here and they take care of my physical needs, my medical needs, my social needs and, most importantly, my spiritual needs.”
Carmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm Kevin M. Lynch, the facility’s CEO, said, “There is always such a love for the children by the residents, and it is just as wonderful for the residents as it is wonderful for the children to be with the elderly and to have a rapport with them.”
A visitor, Florence Wagner, said, “We come twice a year for Christmas caroling and spring recitals, and I think it’s important for the children to get to know the next generation and the importance of life,” adding, “we are very close to Our Lady, so we love to share any opportunity to be able to share our devotion to her.”
At Lourdes Noreen McKeen, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm oversee operations, offering four levels of care: independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and rehabilitation. Daily Mass is celebrated with the residents and staff.
For more information on the Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence, call 561-861-1440 or visit www.lourdesmckeen.org. To learn about the canonization cause of Venerable Mother Mary Angeline Teresa, foundress of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, or if you feel you have been granted a favor by her intercession, contact: Office of the Vice President c/o Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, 600 Woods Road, Germantown, NY 12526; or visit www.carmelitesisters.com.