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Hyde Amendment / La Enmienda Hyde

The Hyde Amendment, which has been credited with saving 2.5 million lives is now facing the most serious threat to its existence since being enacted forty-five years ago. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is planning a largescale effort to oppose the repeal of the Hyde Amendment that prevents tax-payer funding of abortion. Keep your tax dollars from going to abortion by visiting This website will ask for your email address, in order for the USCCB to connect with you regarding future plans to prevent federal funding of abortion.

Link to more information from USCCB on the Hyde Amendment:

Link to graphics for parishes to utilize:

La Enmienda Hyde, ha sido reconocida por salvar 2.5 millones de vidas, ahora enfrenta una de las amenazas más serias desde su existencia, promulgada hace 45 años.  La Conferencia Católica de Obispos de los Estados Unidos está planeando un esfuerzo a gran escala para oponerse a revocar la Enmienda Hyde que previene que el dinero de los contribuyentes financie el aborto.  Evite que fondos federales sean utilizados para fines relacionados al aborto visitando la página web: Esta página le pedirá su correo electrónico para que la USCCB se conecte con usted para planes futuros en prevenir financiamiento federal del aborto.
