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2-Day School of Healing Retreat - Encounter Palm Beach

Friday, October 20, 20235:00 pmSunday, October 22, 20233:00 pm

Jesus never proclaimed the gospel without demonstrating it in power and love. Jesus' Healing Ministry is at the heart of his gospel of power and he expects his disciples to administer his healing on earth (Mt. 16:18-19). This 2-day school provides a foundation for partnering with the Holy Spirit to bring healing to the world around us. An overflow of the Encounter School of Ministry, the ESM Palm Beach Campus seeks to partner with local parishes and ministries to help host 2-day retreats like this School of Healing and others. This page provides some essential information for Church’s and organizations interested in partnering with us. Through our three-step approach of teaching - equipping - activating we seek to empower and deploy Catholics to participate in the Healing & Prophetic Ministry of Jesus through the power and love of the Holy Spirit in their sphere of influence. Healing is Jesus’ idea. It was essential to the effective proclamation of the Gospel during Jesus’ ministry and we are convinced it is one of the missing components to the effective New Evangelization of our nation. The best way to learn is by doing it. Come ready to not only grow in understanding of what Jesus did but to be equipped to do what Jesus did - and more! Join us for the event by registering below or send us an email with a request to host one of our 2-Day Schools at your own parish.


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