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Luncheons for Life at Holy Redeemer

Luncheons 4 Life ("L4L") brings together life-affirming organizations:

- Pregnancy care centers
- Crisis maternity homes
- Abortion pill reversal care
- Adoption and foster care placement
- Abstinence ministries
- Support after abortion counseling
- Sidewalk advocacy teams
- Clergy of all faiths

... and caring individuals witnessing for pro-life, over a great meal -- 100% free to all attendees -- to end the demand for abortion in the greater Palm Beach County area.

There is no cost for the luncheon, no request for donations, and it is not a platform for political agendas.

The purpose of Luncheons 4 Life is to open communication channels among participants through the grass roots, person-to-person networking process.

This is a networking event so bring your business cards, your organization's literature, pens and notepads -- and of course, your appetite -- you're going to need them all!

(Note: Luncheons 4 Life events are often "sold out". Reservations are required and can only be made by contacting Mary Ellen or your coordinators. For additional information or questions please call or text your local event coordinator, Deanna Herbst, Respect Life Admin, 561-312-4847, or Jonathan Knaus, 561-603-8303.

Fatherhood: Answering the Call

Meet Fathers who have committed to Life as they join in a panel discussion of fatherhood.

Shamus Gordon is the founder and CEO of the Father-Child Connection, a nonprofit organization that promotes the all important connection between fathers/father figures and their children. He is a former school teacher turned social worker and the proud father of Sade' Gordon! He's had years of experience working with children and families in various settings in Jamaica, London and here in Florida. When asked where is from, Shamus would often say he's British by birth, Jamaican by descent and American by naturalization! As an ordained minister and a community leader, Shamus Gordon is a champion for fathers/father figures and is on a mission to empower each father to Dad Up and be engaged in the lives of their children and families.

Dr Osmany Periu is the Florida State Life Director for Knights of Columbus. Over 1 million moms have seen their unborn children thanks to the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Program. Since 2009, the Order has funded more than 1,500 ultrasound machines through donations from councils and the Culture of Life Fund, including over 100 in Florida. Recently, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council launched the ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) program. For every $500 a council or assembly donates to a pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to $2,000), the Supreme Council will donate $100. In addition, Knights of Columbus was a co-founder of Special Olympics and local councils work tirelessly to support special needs individuals and families.
