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Long Sleeve Relief Drive

Wednesday, February 22, 2023Thursday, April 6, 2023

Americans are all integrally connected to the farmworkers every time they eat. These men and women do some of the most important work in this country – feeding a nation – and deserve support. Caring about farmworkers reveals a care for the inherent dignity and humanity of the people in these communities.

Can you help? You can do this by collecting long-sleeve shirts and/or monies to benefit the farmworkers. Place announcements in your bulletin, or even ask a ministry, school or youth group to take this on as a Lenten project.

In addition to clean and gently used long-sleeve, button down shirts, the Farmworker Association of Florida is requesting the following items:

- Children's clothing
- Diapers and baby supplies
- Household items and children's toys
- Food donations, such as: Beans, rice, tortillas, maseca, cooking oil and canned soups

Please let us know if your parish or group will be participating as a collection and/or drop-off site:

Florida Catholic Media and the Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc., is grateful for every donation, whether it be monetary or material.
