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Luncheons for Life

Register now. Featured Speaker. Seating is limited and is available on a "first come, first served" basis!!!

About this event
Luncheons 4 Life ("L4L") brings together life-affirming organizations:

- Pregnancy care centers
- Crisis maternity homes
- Abortion pill reversal care
- Adoption and foster care placement
- Abstinence ministries
- Support after abortion counseling
- Sidewalk advocacy teams
- Clergy of all faiths
- ... and caring individuals witnessing for pro-life, over a great meal -- 100% free to all attendees -- to end the demand for abortion in the greater Palm Beach County area.

There is no cost for the luncheon, no request for donations, and it is not a platform for political agendas.

The purpose of Luncheons 4 Life is to open communication channels among participants through the grass roots, person-to-person networking process.

Our format is simple: A great meal, followed by a life-affirming guest speaker, and concludes with the part of the program we call "passing the mic" to anyone of the Spirit-inspired audience who wishes to share their pro-life thoughts, comments, and/or life story.

Featured Guest Speakers: (will be posted soon)

This is a networking event so bring your business cards, your organization's literature, pens and notepads -- and of course, your appetite -- you're going to need them all!

(Note: Luncheons 4 Life events are often "sold out". Reservations are by invitation only. For an invitation, additional information or questions please call or text your local event coordinator, Deanna Herbst-Hoosac, Catholic Charities Respect Life Director, 561-360-3330, or Jonathan Knaus, 561-603-8303. Space is limited.
