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Journey to Easter with the Jesuits

Our Provincial, Very Rev. Joe O’Keefe, SJ, Socius, Rev. Jack Hanwell, SJ and Director of Donor Relations, Rev. Jim Keenan, SJ, will join guests for a buffet brunch and presentation on updates on the USA East Province of the Society of Jesus and a brief video of some exciting new programs bringing Ignatian Spirituality to young adults. Registration begins at 9:00 am and the entire brunch and program should end by noon.

There is a suggested donation of $75 per person to help cover the cost and there is no fundraising at the event.

We hope anyone in the region who has graduated from a Jesuit university, college, secondary school, or volunteer program, such as JVC or IVC, or who has an interest in Ignatian Spirituality, will join us on March 2nd.
