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CCW Social Bingo, Raffles and Lunch

Doors open 11 a.m., lunch is at noon, games begin at 1 p.m.

Enjoy an afternoon out with friends at Holy Family Church Parish Center, 2330 Mariposa Avenue, Port St Lucie, FL 34952.

Bingo will be held on January 20, 2023. Lunch and 10 games of bingo cost $7 when purchased in advance at the Parish office and $10 at the door. The doors open at 11 am. Come early to purchase tickets for the raffles or to choose your seat.

Tickets must be paid for in advance if requesting Bingo reservations.

A Meatball Sub, Salad and Ice Cream will be served around noon and the Games start around 1pm.

Donations of new items and gift cards for the prize table are greatly appreciated.

Contact Diane for further info or reservations at 401-573-4206.
