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Luncheons for Life

Register now. Seasons 52, Palm Beach Gardens. Featured Speaker. Seating is limited and is available on a "first come, first served" basis!!!

About this event
Luncheons 4 Life ("L4L") brings together life-affirming organizations:

- Pregnancy care centers
- Crisis maternity homes
- Abortion pill reversal care
- Adoption and foster care placement
- Abstinence ministries
- Support after abortion counseling
- Sidewalk advocacy teams
- Clergy of all faiths
- ... and caring individuals witnessing for pro-life, over a great meal -- 100% free to all attendees -- to end the demand for abortion in the greater Palm Beach County area.

There is no cost for the luncheon, no request for donations, and it is not a platform for political agendas.

The purpose of Luncheons 4 Life is to open communication channels among participants through the grass roots, person-to-person networking process.

Our format is simple: A great meal of selected items from Seasons 52's menu served tableside, followed by a life-affirming guest speaker, and concludes with the part of the program we call "passing the mic" to anyone of the Spirit-inspired audience who wishes to share their pro-life thoughts, comments, and/or life story.

Featured Guest Speakers: Lauren Larkin, Victims Advocate for Bakhita Empowerment Program & Joanna Bejarano, Case manager for Bakhita Empowerment Program

Special Speaker: Ryan Elkins, a previous client who has graduated from the program. She will be speaking at the end of the presentation regarding her story and signs to look for to assist a survivor.

Bakhita Empowerment Program –Catholic Charities Bakhita Empowerment Program, named after Saint Josephine Bakhita, who is the Patron Saint for human-trafficking survivors, provides assistance to the needs of victims of all types of trafficking throughout the Palm Beach Diocese which includes the counties of Palm Beach, St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin and Okeechobee. The main goal of the program is to help survivors to rebuild their life through the provision of intensive, long term and short term, case management services. The case management services include, but are not limited to emotional support, safety planning, and advocacy. The anti-human trafficking program coordinates referrals for housing, legal services, medical and dental services, reunification, counseling, education and employment services, translation, and substance abuse services. Victims are provided with basic needs and financial assistance to help them create a life away from their trafficker. Case managers also provide transportation to appointments and assist with applying for benefits and assisting in replacing documentation often lost/stolen while they were trafficked.
This is a networking event so bring your business cards, your organization's literature, pens and notepads -- and of course, your appetite -- you're going to need them all!

(Note: Luncheons 4 Life events are often "sold out". Reservations are required and can only be made through Eventbrite via the REGISTER button above. For additional information or questions please call or text your local event coordinator, Paul Herron, at (321) 626-5639).
