Magnificat Meal

Please join us as we share a meal, enjoy fellowship, give praise and encourage one another in our faith journey. Our guest speaker is Sr. Katie Flanagan, a Florida native who grew up in Wellington. A graduate from the University of Florida with a Masters in Elementary Education in 2006, Sr. Katie spent six years teaching in Palm Beach County Public Schools and served as a catechist and high school youth minister at St. Rita Catholic Church, her home parish. As happy and fulfilling as her life was, Sr. Katie could not shake the feeling that God was calling her to something more. After years of running and ignoring God’s call, Sr. Katie finally made a visit to the Salesian Sisters, remembering the comments of her college friends from years before. After wrestling with lots of fear, and countless hours of prayer, Sr. Katie asked for an application to enter into formation to become a Salesian Sister on January 31, 2012. Sr. Katie entered into formation in August of 2012, professed her first vows on August 5, 2016, and her final vows on August 5, 2022. She has served as Campus Minister and Theology teacher at St. John Neumann High School in Naples, FL. Currently, she is a Theology teacher and member of the campus ministry team at Immaculata-La Salle High School in Miami, Fl.
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