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Jubilee Celebration for Religious

Saturday, May 14, 2022
4:30 pm5:30 pm
St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral

Join us at a special Holy Mass at 4:30 pm on Saturday, May 14th at the annual Jubilee Celebration for Religious in the Diocese of Palm Beach. This is a celebration of the Profession of Vows for Religious. Everyone is invited to attend this liturgy with Bishop Barbarito as the celebrant. Following the Liturgy, there will be a special by-invitation-only dinner for only the Jubilarians, their family and friends, and fellow religious.

Jubilarians 2022

Sister Mercede Y. Dominguez, RMI

Sister Laura Cavanaugh, SBS
Brother Augustine Lowe, CP
Sister Carleen Cekal, SSND
Sister Mary Murphy, OSF
Sister Bernardone, Rock, FSE

65 Years
Sister Marylouise Fennell, RSM
Sister Dorothy Mangan, SC
Sister Mary Therese Napolitan, OP
Sister Regina Tutzo, RMI

Sister Margaret Crowley, RSM
Sister Suzanne Marie Ronan, O. Carm.
Sister Elizabeth Ross, OP
