Our Easter Sunday TV Mass

Please visit https://www.diocesepb.org/ministriesoffices/offices/communications/2022-masses.html to watch the weekly Sunday Masses.
To support the televised Catholic Mass or to request a free Mass missal for viewers, contact 561-775-9529 or write to:
Office of Communications
9995 N. Military Trail
P.O. Box 109650
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.
CW34 can be found on the following channels:
On Comcast Channels 4 & 435HD
On AT&T/U-Verse Channels 4 & 1004HD
On Hometown Cable Plus Channels 4 & 304 HD
On Direct TV & Dish Network Channel 4
On Digital Antennas Over-the-Air channel 34.1
For more information or if you have questions, contact the Office of Communications.