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The Women's Pregnancy Solutions Program Advisory Committee invites you to an afternoon of jazz, wine, and appetizers - featuring a "Call to the Heart" to raise support for Catholic Charities new Women's Pregnancy Solutions Program. No admission charge.

Women’s Pregnancy Solutions provides free pregnancy testing, sonogram and counseling services to women across the five counties of the Diocese of Palm Beach through the use of two state-of-the-art mobile pregnancy units. Our mission is to advise women who may be abortion-minded of their pregnancy options, with the hope that they change their minds and hearts.

"We need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished and protected.” ― Pope Francis

Your generosity enables us to reach more expectant mothers and save more lives. By partnering with us, you will share in the abundant joy of knowing that countless little ones will live. Because of your love and support, we will change minds and save lives every day across our five county area.

View our evite and RSVP here:
