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CRS Rice Bowl

Wednesday, February 17, 2021Sunday, April 4, 2021

During Lent, Catholics pray, fast and give. From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, Catholic Relief Charities (CRS) asks us to participate in CRS Rice Bowl in which we collect change in small, colorful CRS Rice Bowl boxes. Now in its fifth decade, CRS Rice Bowl offers Catholics in the United States a way to encounter Lent, to encounter the causes of migration and displacement, and to learn about the challenges faced by families around the world. Plus, 25% of all contributions stay in local dioceses to support hunger and poverty prevention programs such as community gardens, food pantries, soup kitchens, support groups, and job centers. The remaining 75% goes to support CRS’ humanitarian programs overseas, providing life-saving assistance and hope to impoverished and vulnerable communities.

You are invited to share the journey with members of our human family around the world, and commit our Lenten prayers, fasting and almsgiving to deepening our faith and serving those in need. Visit to learn more how families, educators, ministries and parishes can participate. You will also find many resources such as prayers, Lenten meatless recipes, videos to watch and stories to read of how CRS Rice Bowl helps the vulnerable and poor around the world.

You can learn more, ask for materials and have our diocesan CRS ministry director speak to your group. Contact Donna Pearson at Catholic Charities Office of Parish Social Ministry at 561-360-3327.
