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Reporting Procedures for Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults

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In English

A person receiving an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult by Church Personnel must immediately report the allegation.  Our policy requires priests to report allegations that are made in a spiritual counseling context, even though the law exempts ministers from the requirement of reporting.  The only exception to this is the confidentiality of the confessional.  At the outset, alleged victims and/or families should be informed of this requirement.

STEP 1           

The person receiving the allegation immediately makes an oral report to 1-800-96ABUSE (1-800-962-2873). 
Notes should be taken including names, dates, and times, and a log should be kept of all telephone calls made.

STEP 2           

The person receiving the allegation makes an oral report to the Chancellor of the Diocese of Palm Beach at 561-775-9507, who reports it to the bishop and diocesan attorney. 


The diocesan attorney reports the allegation to the state attorney.


The person receiving the allegation informs the school principal, pastor or the appropriate immediate authority.


The person receiving the allegation sends a written report to the Department of Children and Families within 48 hours. Instructions regarding information to be included in this report are available from your entity’s pastor, principal, or administrator or the Chancellor’s office
