What the DSA Supports
Programs and Ministries
The Diocesan Services Appeal supports a wide range of essential religious, charitable and educational programs across the five counties of the Diocese of Palm Beach, including:
Marriage, Family Life, Faith Formation & Youth Ministry
Bishop’s annual anniversary Mass celebrations; Marriage Preparation; Marriage Support and Mentor Programs in English and Spanish; Natural Family Planning support; Family Ministry programs; monthly newsletter to support and help families grow in their faith; Faith Formation support and training of volunteers and leaders in parishes; Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; Theology of the Body programs for parishes and schools; scouting programs for youth; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; Youth & Young Adult Ministry training and support of volunteers and formation leaders; parish consultation to support and expand ministry efforts; Unbound Healing Prayer Ministry; annual women’s retreat; Grief Recovery Ministry
Development & Resources
Support parish fundraising efforts; process donations for parishes; professional development to support philanthropy efforts; maintain diocesan-wide database; facilitate donor relations with faithful; planned giving
Cultural Ministries
Cultural centers; Haitian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Hispanic ministries and resources; School of Christian Formation
Catholic Education
Professional development for school administrators; in-service training for employees; safety consultation and support for schools; educational programs; guidance of state and local funding sources; diocesan communications support
Diocesan website; produce Florida Catholic; weekly televised Catholic Mass; social media; communications support for parishes and schools; Diocesan Directory; graphic design; Communications Office
Clergy & Religious Support
Office of the Bishop; Offices of the Vicar General and Chancellor; Office of Canonical Services and Tribunal; Episcopal Delegate for Religious; Office of Liturgy
Vocations, Seminary and Diaconate Formation
Priestly formation; vocation outreach and events; permanent deacons; deacon formation; religious men and women; website and social media for Vocations Office
Catholic Charities
Anti-Human Trafficking Program/Bakhita Empowerment Program; Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy Care Centers; Counseling; Elder Affairs; Hunger, Homeless and Outreach; Immigration Legal Services; Interfaith Health and Wellness; Parish Social Ministry; Prison Ministry; Refugee Resettlement; Respect Life; Samaritan Center/Transitional Housing
Diocesan Support
Human Resources; Information Technology; Office of Building, Construction and Real Estate; Finance; Safe Environments/Protecting God’s Children; Internal Services; building maintenance, licensing, safety