7 Ways to Give
Gifts of Stock/Securities
You can enjoy greater tax savings by donating gifts of appreciated stock to the Diocese of Palm Beach for use wherever the diocese deems the need is greatest or for use by a parish, school, or ministry in the diocese.
By giving a gift of appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains on the stock or security, receive a charitable gift deduction on your tax return and the diocese, parish or diocesan ministry receives the full value of your security.
To learn more about donating securities, download document.
Please instruct your broker to transfer the stock to our account; do not instruct your broker to sell the stock, either in your name or in our name. Your charitable gift deduction is calculated on the date the security is transferred into the Diocese of Palm Beach's brokerage account.
Please print and fill out the Stock Transfer Form below and send a copy to your broker and another copy to Vito Gendusa, CFO at the diocesan Development Office:
Diocese of Palm Beach
P.O. Box 109650
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-9650
For further information please call (561)775-9518 and speak with Vito Gendusa, CFO, in the Office of Development at the Diocese of Palm Beach.
Click here for Stock Transfer Form
Matching Gifts
Many companies provide matching gifts for their employees as a benefit of their employment. Matching gifts are an excellent way to double and sometimes triple the impact of your personal donation. If you are going to make a gift to the Diocesan Services Appeal, please check with your employer or HR department to see if they have a matching gift program.
You can check the name of the company you work for here, on Charity Navigator: https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=content.view&cpid=1799.
Not all companies provide matching gifts and some may only give to specific charities.
The Diocese of Palm Beach is a recognized 501c3 non-profit.
An endowment is a permanent fund that holds its principal in perpetuity and is invested for the benefit of a particular purpose. By contributing money to an endowment, you create a source of income for the beneficiary and carry on your legacy of giving for generations to come. Any donor is welcome to establish their own endowment to support the Diocese of Palm Beach or contribute to the diocese’s endowment with a minimum gift of $25,000.
Taxable Individual Retirement Account
Donors above 70.5 years of age may give a gift from their IRA (limited to $105,000 per year per individual, which will be indexed for inflation starting in 2024). This counts towards your required minimum distribution (RMD) and is a way to avoid taxable income.
To leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner: “I bequeath $_______ or _______% of my estate to The Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, D.D.,J.C.L., as Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach, his successors in Office, a corporation sole. I wish to designate the funds to (Your Parish, Ministry, or the Diocesan Services Appeal)."
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity is when you give a sum of money, in this case to the Diocese of Palm Beach (minimum of $25,000 for the Diocese of Palm Beach and donor must be 65 years or older), and they pay you a guaranteed quarterly annuity payments for the rest of your life. You can add on a spouse and it will continue to pay them for life as well. The guaranteed rates are based off the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) and can be viewed at: Current Gift Annuity Rates (acga-web.org). A charitable gift annuity can provide financial security, tax benefits, and support the diocese in a variety of ways.
Life Insurance
You can name the Diocese of Palm Beach as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Simply contact your policy holder and ask for a Change of Beneficiary form.