2025 DSA Materials
1. 2025 DSA Timeline
2. 2025 DSA Training
3. 2025 DSA Transmittal Form
2025 DSA: Transmittal Form
4. Parishioner Contact Information
2025 DSA: Parishioner Contact Information Excel File Download
5. Data Entry Procedures for Parishes
2025 DSA: Data Entry Procedures for Parishes Download Instructions
6. 2025 DSA FTP Site
How to access the FTP Site: Download Instructions
7. Planned Giving Opportunities
2025 DSA: Planned Giving Opportunities - Document
2025 DSA: Planned Giving Opportunities - PDF
2025 DSA: Gift of Stock - PDF
8. Website Landing Page
9. 2025 DSA Videos
DSA Ministries Videos
Vocations: https://vimeo.com/1036138843 -Joshua Martin retells his story of his first sacraments, and how several important people served as spiritual fathers and guided him through his journey — like Bishop Barbarito. "He welcomed me with open arms and a genuine smile." Throughout his nine years of seminary formation, he was supported financially by the diocese; and didn’t have to worry about getting a job to cover expenses thus, allowing total devotion to theological studies and strengthening his relationship with God.
None of this could have happened without the generous support of people who give to the DSA every year.
Marriage and Family: https://vimeo.com/1036138174 - Bibi Mendoza, Director of Religious Education at St. Clare Catholic School gets to see firsthand how the DSA support of marriage, family life, faith formation, and youth ministry offices changes life within her parish every day. She has witnessed children of every age share the light of Christ in programs like the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The youth ministry department at the diocese has been instrumental in starting a new small group program. The middle and high school students can explore their faith in our community. The programs are available for all parishes in our five counties, and with the support of the DSA tools are provided to help students develop an unshakeable faith foundation and grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Cultural Ministries: https://vimeo.com/1036140376- The diocese's support for cultural ministries is incredible, with priests always present and engaged with the Spanish community. Prayer groups, retreats, and community events have been pivotal in shaping Saida's faith. These experiences have shown her the true essence of ministry: serving others and embodying faith through actions. By attending the School of Christian Formation, Saida felt God speaking directly to her heart while giving her hope during challenging times.
Catholic Schools: https://vimeo.com/900257256 - Senora Shaheen is so proud to have a job that feeds her soul and is honored to work with colleagues who are dedicated to praying together and helping each other strengthen their relationships with God. Because of the professional development sessions offered through the diocese, faith has become the essence of her teaching, and by witnessing that faith reflected in her students and fellow teachers gives her great hope for the future.
Catholic Charities: https://vimeo.com/1036139558 -When people contribute to the DSA, they’re making investments in safe spaces, warm meals, and secure beds for children. It’s through that kindness and generosity that Jully's son and I have found renewed hope and a glimpse of a brighter future. Jully and her son were homeless, living in their car, and desperately seeking help. Despite numerous calls to various shelters, they were repeatedly turned away until they reached out to the Samaritan Center, and there was a spot for them. She recounts, "The moment we walked through the doors of our new home, a sense of peace and the love of the Lord flooded us. Seeing my son have a bed, a shower, and a place to call home filled my heart with indescribable joy. And, there’s nothing like feeling safe and secure".
10. 2024 DSA Logos and QR Code
All jpgs are in the Downloadable Zip Files Below
Downloadable Zip File: DSA LOGOS
11. Bishop's Letters
All jpgs are in the Downloadable Zip Files Below
Downloadable Zip File: Bishop's Letters
12. 2024 DSA Bulletin and Ambo Announcements
13. DSA Graphic - Theme
14. DSA Graphic - Now Underway
15. DSA Graphic - Pledge
16. Seasonal Resident Resources
17. Registered Parishioners and Visitors Resources
18. DSA Graphic - General Announcements
All jpgs are in the Downloadable Zip Files Below
Downloadable Zip File: DSA Bulletin English
Downloadable Zip File: DSA Bulletin Spanish
Downloadable Zip File: DSA Bulletin Creole
19. DSA Graphic - Social Media
20. DSA Brochures
Downloadable Zip Files Below Contain PDFs of Brochures
Download 2025 DSA Brochure English
Download 2025 DSA Brochure Spanish
Download 2025 DSA Brochure Creole