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The Florida Catholic

The goodness of God 'makes all the difference'

PALM BEACH GARDENS  |  Annually, for those answering the call to become Catholic, their faith journey leads them to the celebration of the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This year, during two separate ceremonies March 5 and 6, the catechumens and candidates gathered with their godparents or sponsors and Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito for this significant step on their journey to full communion with the Catholic Church.

At the ceremony, the church confirms the readiness of catechumens and candidates for reception of the sacraments of initiation at the April 16 Easter Vigil Mass at their parish.

Catechumens are people who have not been baptized and will be fully incorporated into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. Candidates have been baptized in the Christian faith and are seeking full communion as Catholics through the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist.

Catechetical administrators from parishes across the diocese brought 115 catechumens and 175 candidates from their parishes to officially voice their intention to enter the Catholic Church.

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