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The Florida Catholic

Students discuss abortion, illiteracy with state representative

FORT PIERCE - While many throughout the state of Florida joined Catholic Days at the Capital, Feb. 2-3 virtually, students from John Carroll High School in Fort Pierce were preparing to meet with Representative Dana Trabulsy in person.

Trabulsy, a Catholic Republican representative of District 84 and Fort Pierce resident, was due to visit the school Feb. 22 for a special in-class meeting with the senior students of Jennie Capezza’s Leadership in Ministry class. In addition to participating in the virtual event earlier that month, Capezza reached out to various representatives of the state of Florida in efforts to connect with state legislators more personally about the issues lobbied at the recent Catholic Days at the Capital.

“I didn’t expect any representative to visit us personally,” said Capezza, director of Campus Ministry at the high school. “This was our first time having students participate in Catholic Days at the Capital and I expected to host a few virtual sessions between legislators and my students through Zoom. Representative Trabulsy immediately responded and we began to plan her visit for the end of February.”

Typically, Catholic Days at the Capital hosts hundreds of Catholics from throughout the state of Florida in Tallahassee but, due to COVID-19, the event was reimagined for a virtual platform and many faithful logged on to view the events online. A large part of the days usually include meeting with state legislators to discuss big ticket issues through the Catholic lens such as the strengthening of abortion limits, the repeal of the death penalty and school choice options for families.

To read the full Florida Catholic Media article, click here.
