Diocese of Palm Beach TV Masses
View Masses as seen on our televised weekly Sunday Mass. Tune in each week for the televised Catholic Mass which airs Sundays at 10:30 a.m. on CW34. Priests from around the five-counties of the diocese along with Bishop Barbarito bring the Mass to the sick, homebound and all the people of God on a weekly basis. The televised Mass is produced by the Diocesan Office of Communications. Music is covered by One License A-730917.
Please click on a button below to open the Masses for that month:
The televised Catholic Mass is supported by tax-deductible contributions from viewer donations and the Diocesan Services Appeal. To donate online, click here. To mail a donation, please send to:
The Catholic Mass
DPB Office of Communications
9995 North Military Trail
P.O. Box 109650
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-9650
Please be sure to write in the memo of the check “TV Mass.” A free missalette to help viewers celebrate the televised Mass is available upon request by sending such written request to the same address above.
The televised Catholic Mass is a powerful ministry. Thank you to those who support this far-reaching ministry and for sharing your feedback. Please continue to share your thoughts with the Office of Communications at Communications@DiocesePB.org or 561-775-9561.
Where to Watch our TV Mass
You can watch 10:30am - 11:00am on CW34 WTVX, or on our website or Facebook Page.
How to Find CW34 WTVX
The CW34 channel can be found on the following cable systems:
On Comcast, you will find CW34 on Channels 4 & 435 HD
On AT&T/U-Verse, you will find CW34 on Channels 4 & 1004 HD
On Direct TV & DISH Network, you will find CW34 on Channel 4
On Hometown Cable Plus, you find CW34 on Channels 4 & 304
On Digital Antennas, you find CW34 on the Over-Air-Channel 34.1
Diocese of Palm Beach TV Mass Testimonials
"Thank you for bringing the Sunday Mass into my home." - Jeanne B
"Just a small note to thank you for the pleasure I have watching the TV Mass and all the different and beautiful churches. God Bless." - Cecilia
"Thank you for the lovely TV Mass every Sunday. We are very handicapped and are grateful to see and hear Mass every Sunday." - Mr. and Mrs. Frank S