April Events, Feast Days and Activities
1. Events:
a. 2025 Diocesan Calendar (PDF)
b. Diocesan Online Calendar
c. Dates:
Apr. 2 - Taping of the Televised Easter Mass!
Apr. 5 - Devocion: Cinco Primaros Sabados con Maria
Apr. 12 - Month's Mind Requiem Mass
Apr. 15 - Chrism Mass
Apr. 23 - Theology on Tap - Palm Beach
Apr. 25 - El Viñedo de Raquel
Apr. 29 - Healing Mass - St. Jude Catholic Church, Boca
Mar. 5-April 12 - 40 Days for Life
d. Bulletin Excerpts:
Join the Bishops’ Advocacy Network FLCAN! (PDF) More information
Rachel's Vinyard Healing Retreat (PDF) (JPG)
“Mission of The Family” Videos by Knights of Columbus (DOC)
The Prison Ministry at Catholic Charities: seeking new volunteers and donations (PNG)
e. Save the Dates:
May 3 - Priestly Ordination at Cathedral of St. Ignatius
May 30 - Golf Classic Benefitting the Samaritan Center
f. Please use this link to submit events for your parish or school
2. Feast Days and other Notable Dates - 2025 Liturgical Calendar (PDF)
a. Vatican News Saint of the Day
b. Franciscan Media Saint of the Day
c. The Pope's Monthly Intention
d. Notable Dates:
April 6 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
April 13 - Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
April 17 - Holy Thursday
April 18 - Good Friday of the Lords Passion
April 19 - Holy Saturday
April 27 - Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)