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April 2022 TV Mass Videos

2022 TV Masses

April 3, 2022
The Mass is at St. Jude Church, in Boca Raton, with Reverend Christopher Ianizzotto, O. Carm, Parochial Vicar.

April 10, 2022, Palm Sunday
The Mass is at St. Jude Church, in Boca Raton, with Reverend John Horan, O. Carm, Pastor.

April 17, 2022, Easter Sunday
Happy Easter!  We hope you enjoy our Televised Easter Mass at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens with Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, Very Reverend Gavin Badway, Rector of the Cathedral, Reverend Brian King, Episcopal Secretary, Reverend Daniel Daza-Jaller, Director of Vocations and Seminarians, our Palm Beach Seminarians from St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary: Deacon Daniel Donahue, Deacon Armando Leon , Deacon Marc Gustinelli, Joshua Martin , Joseph Zarcone , Jude Okeke , Dylan McKay;  Lectors: Cheri and Ken Reynolds;  Music by Julie Thompson, Cathedral Music Director and  Thomas Marino, Cathedral Organist / Pianist; Music Vocalists: Julie Thompson, Nathan Davis, Alicia Stafford, William Stafford and Laura Yanez; Instrumentalists Thomas Marino, Bud Caputo, Aron Friedman, Mei Mei Luo, Modesto Marcano  , German Marcano, Frank Raimondi, Neel Shukla, Peter Skowronek and Erika Venable;  Cathedral Staff/Volunteers: Mark Aitken, Facility Coordinator/Maintenance, Ashlie O’Brien, Sacristan and Regina Maher, Florist.

April 24, 2022
The Mass is at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, with Reverend Dúvan Bermúdez, Director of Hispanic Ministry.
