60 Years
Entered the convent on September 8,1963 at 18 years old.
Postulancy was spent at St. Patrick's Home in Bronx, NY where we had experience working with the Residents. (I had volunteered at our home in Philadelphia where I worked directly with the Residentsfor two years before I entered the convent.)
However, we learned how to live the life of a Carmelite Sister while caring for the Residents. We attended daily Mass and prayed the office with the Sisters and learned to live in Community.
After the six months we went to our Motherhouse in upstate New York where we had classes on Religious Life and Theology and some nursing classes to prepare us for our life's work. We spent about two years there.
I was then transferred to our facility in western Pennsylvania where I spent the next fifteen years. I attended Nursing School and became an RN. I then went to Penn State and received my BS in Nursing while working in our facility.
I was then transferred to Staten Island, NY for several years and then to Wilkes - Barre , Pennsylvania where I worked and attended Misericordia College for my Masters in administration and became an administrator of the facility while also being the Prioress of the Sisters. I was in this facility for 13 years.
I was then transferred to our facility in Cincinnati where I was the administrator for several years then I was transferred to the Motherhouse where I was in charge of Retreats and special functions for several years.
I was then transferred to our facility in Framingham, MA where I was in charge of a large convent of elderly sisters and worked as an infection Control Nurse.
After six years I was transferred to Davenport, Iowa and worked as a nurse in several areas such as Infection Control, education of staff and several other areas of responsibility.
I was then transferred to West Palm Beach, Florida where I have been stationed for the last twelve years. I have worked here in nursing and outreach and at present am the Pastoral Care Director of the facility where I work with a priest, a staff member and several volunteers serving the Residents in the Nursing Home, the Assisted Living and the Independent area. During this time attended the local Catholic Seminary and received a Masters of Theology while working in Pastoral Care. I continued to work in Pastoral Care and received a certificate in Pastoral Care from my Community. After obtaining my degree I assist at a Local Parish in teaching an RCIA program with a small team. As a director of Pastoral Care, I supervise several seminarians who come each year to visit the Residents. I have been the Prioress for the Sisters1for the last 11 years. I am a member of the Sisters Council in my second term in West Palm Beach Diocese.

60 Years
Name: Sr. M. Kevin Patricia Lynch (baptismal name: Maureen Ann Lynch)
Place of Birth: New York City
Schools: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Astoria, NY), Long Island City High School (Long Island City, NY),
St. Francis College (Brooklyn, NY), Bachelor of Science, New School of Social Research (New York, NY), Masters of Science
Congregation: Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
How God called: I was drawn to the Community through a volunteer program called, "Carmelettes" and met other young girls who were drawn to the Ministry of working with the elderly at a facility in the Bronx. It was the Joy of the Sisters that drew me and has kept me. The Ministry has changed a great deal, but the need and commitment for care of God's elderly has only increased. I Pray I can continue to serve in the Carmelite Ministry.
Year entered: Entered 1963. Final Profession 1972
Where Ministered: Congregation Ministry to the Elderly, St. Joseph's Manor, Trumbull, Ct, Josephine Baird Home, New York City, NY Teresian House, Albany, NY, Madonna Residence, Brooklyn, NY Kahl Home for the Aged, Davenport, IA, Mary Manning Walsh Home, New York City, NY, St. Teresa's Motherhouse, Germantown, NY (12 years) St. Patrick's Home, Bronx, NY, Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence, West Palm Beach, FL

65 Years
My name is Sister Barbara Becker a Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. I was born in in a small town in Minnesota. I was the third child of six. I loved growing up on a farm, taking care of the farm animals and helping my Dad with farm chores. After graduating from high school in 1956, I entered the Sinsinawa Dominicans and made my profession in 1958. I graduated from Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin, and Cardinal Stritch College in Milwaukee, earning a masters degrees in Education.
One day my eighth-grade teacher explained that religious vocations were the fruit of a “good family.” I knew that I had a “good” family. So here I am.
I taught first and second grades for 25 years and computer education for another 24 years. In 2007, I went on sabbatical and began volunteering in an adult literacy program in Wisconsin before coming to Florida.
“My community’s charism is very much about building a holy and just society through social work, seeking justice for the marginalized and teaching and preaching the Gospel. I carry this out through my work with the families of KinDoo Family Center. While the parents take classes that empower them to learn life skills, I provide childcare for their children. This is where my heart is. I feel so blessed in this mission.
My side job is raising vegetables in my community garden plot. Another blessed place.
I love my Sisters - both O.P.’s and SSNDs
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude

65 Years
Mary was the only girl with three protective, caring brothers, born and raised in Cambridge, MA. As she was growing up, she caught the lessons of caring for the less fortunate and reaching out to those in need from her parents. Those life lessons were reinforced as she witnessed the kindness and compassion of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, her teachers both in elementary and high school. The strong attraction to follow in their footsteps led her to enter the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1956 in Baltimore, MD.
I quote Mary's own words here: "As I reflect on my life journey over these past 65 years, I am amazed at what God has done with me, through me, and in me:
Teaching in Elementary School in Brooklyn, NY and Miramar, Puerto Rico, opening a mission in Liberia, West Africa, directing religious education programs in Medford and Malden, MA, starting up a development office for the School Sisters of Notre Dame in CT, co-founding a middle school for girls in the inner city of Boston, directing Hope Rural School, a school for children of immigrants in Indiantown, FL, authoring two childrens' books and co-founding KinDoo Family Center, a center to provide life skills for immigrant adults in Indiantown, Fl, where I am presently ministering."
The words of Pope John Paul II seem to encompass Mary's ministerial journey..."Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you. Therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence." As you can see, Mary has done just that.
A small child in Liberia, West Africa once asked Mary what THING she got for being with them. Mary was taken aback for she had always thought about what she was going to GIVE - not what she would GET! This profound question led her to reflect on what she had received from each of her ministries over these past 65 years - gifts of spirituality, beauty, compassion, gratitude, community, resiliency, hope, and tenacity. Great gifts to add to the ones she received from her family and friends-faith and unconditional love. Who could ask for anything more!
Obviously, Mary took Mother Teresa's words to heart: "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fact that we, your sisters in the Palm Beach Diocese, have been enriched over the years at our Jubilee Celebrations by the loving way you shared our stories, with your own special flare.
Congratulations, Mary!

65 Years
Born in Rochester, NY in 09-10-1938
Entered to religious life – 1957
First Profession in 1959
Perpetual Profession – 1965
After studies at St. Bonaventure University, Sister began her teaching career at St. Pal School in St. Petersburg, FL where she spent four years. She taught one year at St. Francis Xavier School in Fr. Myers, FL and then returned to the North to continue her ministry in Catholic Schools of New Jersey and North Carolina. In 1969 she returned to Florida to teach for five years in Miami. During that time she served as a volunteer on the staff o Bethany Residence, St. Vincent Hall and Juvenile Hall in Miami. For ten years Sister Betty was Resident Coordinator and Assistant Administrator of Maurawood Residence in West Palm Beach. In September, 1986 she became Diocesan Director of Prison Mistry, setting up the office, making contacts in five counties’ institutions, initiating programs an recruiting volunteers for this ministry. Sister Betty has studied a “Holistic Approach to Criminal Justice” in New Yerk State. Sister was also a chaplain at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
What has given me joy in Religious Life?
The greatest joy in my religious life has been the freedom to “BE” in serving all God’s people.
As a Franciscan Sister of Allegany, NY each day I’m reminded of the words St. Francis told his followers, “Go out and teach – If necessary use words!”
For what would I like to express gratitude?
I am grateful to my Congregation for the permission and opportunity to seek other work of service I fell could to do.
Teaching was great!! However, I felt I had more to give. I had the privilege of literally sharing from beginning of life (Maternity) to the end of life - Inmates heading to Death Row, also served in Hospital Ministry.
For I am most grateful, knowing I have done, still doing what is mine to do.

70 Years
I was born in Tilton, NH to Napoleon and Yvonne Brecanier on September 27, 1930. She was the youngest of three daughters. She grew up in Tilton N.H; attended Telton-Northfield School.
After graduation from hight school she attended St. Mary’s College-Sacred Heart School of Nursing in New Hampshire. After graduation from nursing, she worked at St. Claire Hospital on 51st Street in New York City. On February 7, 1953, she entered the Carmelites Sisters for the Aged and Infirm at Mary Manning Walsh Home in Manhattan, NY.
On September 10, 1953, she received the habit at St. Teresa’s Motherhouse. She professed her first vows on September 11, 1954, and made Final Vows on December 8, 1958.
She received her BS in Physical Therapy in 1956 and her MA n Physical Therapy in 1958. She was stationed at St. Joseph Mannor in Trumbull, CT for 22 years; Lourdes Noreen McKeen for 5 years and Teresian House for 27 years. She worked in nursing, physical therapy, and in administration for 44 years and prioress for 44 years.
In 1981 she received a master’s degree in health care management, and a Honorary PHD from Bridgepoint University in CT in 1982.
She chose the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm because of their mission and philosophy. She wanted to make a difference in the life of the elderly whish she fills she did in her small contribution.

70 Years
Date of Birth: December 9, 1933 in Los Angeles CA; moved to NY; 3rd oldest of 4 sisters and 1 brother
Schools: Public Grammer School; Cathederal High School; BS at NY University for Occupational Therapy; Degree in Physical Therapy at Columbia University.
Congregation: Entered the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm at 19 years old.
Chose: I wanted to take care of the Aged.
Years of Entrance: Entered August 15, 1953 and my Final Profession in December 8, 1960
Ministrer : First at St. Patrick Home, then Mary Manning Walsh, Madonna Residence, St. Joseph's Manor and lastly Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence. I ministered in Occupational Therapy, Phyisical Therapy and Medical Records.

70 Years
I first came to know and love God in the love of my family. In my parish grade school, I connected with the Sisters of Mercy by observing their kindness and their JOY in loving the work they were doing. It was during this time I realized God was calling me to be a Sister of Mercy. I was fortunate to enter this community and study to be a teacher and administrator.
Over the years my experience with wonderful people in each assignment given to me has been a blessing and inspiration. Regardless of the circumstances of my life in joys or disappointments, in health or in sickness, I pause to reflect on these comforting words ...from The Suscipe Prayer of our foundress, Catherine McAuley "My God I am yours for time and eternity".
I have enjoyed each of my ministries in a special way because of the beautiful people I have met and the opportunities I have experienced over these 70 years.

70 Years
Mary & Oliver Hudon had a daughter & a son when I was born in Rochester, N.Y where my younger sister joined the family 18 months later. We lived only a block away from SS. Peter & Paul Church & school where the School Sisters of Notre Dame were my teachers. Inspired by them I attended high school at the SSND Juniorate in Fort Lee, N.J. Several months after graduation I left for Baltimore to enter the Congregation, where I entered in 1950 and professed my final vows in 1959.
After my early years as an elementary school teacher I was blessed to serve in a variety of ministries at the Diocesan, National and International levels. After my return to the United States I came to Florida where I have spent the past 22 years as a parishioner of St. Ann Church in West Palm Beach ministering to the homeless women and men at St. Ann Place.