Luncheons for Life at St Martin De Porres

Luncheons 4 Life ("L4L") brings together life-affirming organizations:
- Pregnancy care centers
- Crisis maternity homes
- Abortion pill reversal care
- Adoption and foster care placement
- Abstinence ministries
- Support after abortion counseling
- Sidewalk advocacy teams
- Clergy of all faiths
... and caring individuals witnessing for pro-life, over a great meal -- 100% free to all attendees -- to end the demand for abortion in the greater Palm Beach, Martin & St Lucie Counties area.
There is no cost for the luncheon, no request for donations, and it is not a platform for political agendas.
The purpose of Luncheons 4 Life is to open communication channels among participants through the grass roots, person-to-person networking process.
This is a networking event so bring your business cards, your organization's literature, pens and notepads -- and of course, your appetite -- you're going to need them all!
Note: Luncheons 4 Life events are often "sold out". Reservations are required and can only be made by registering online. For additional information or questions, please call or text your local event coordinators, Deanna Herbst, Respect Life Admin, 561-312-4847, or Jonathan Knaus, 561-603-8303.
Kevin Pierce is a Blood bought, redeemed follower of Jesus. He is being saved by the grace of God. Kevin has been married to Robin for 32 years. She is God’s greatest human gift of grace. They have raised three children to adulthood. They currently enjoy three grandchildren, and await a fourth. They know they will meet their other three grands in heaven. The life God gives Kevin is a testimony to his ability to make beauty from ashes
Kevin is the director of “Father Imprint,” which is the Men’s Services division of Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast. Care Net seeks to meet women and men at their point of need, in a pregnancy. We are a life affirming non-profit that offers free and confidential services. We offer free pregnancy and STD testing, free ultrasounds, a full educational program for parenting and life skills, and an abundance of material support for families
Kevin and his volunteers seek to do five things:
- Encounter men at their point of need with a partner in a pregnancy
- Empower and educate men to be the hero for their families
- Equip men to be coaches for our male clients
- Encourage men to be good fathers, through mentoring
- Enlist local churches in partnership, to make disciples of men
We wish to see fathers become men of conviction, courage, and compassion. Kevin also serves as the Pastor of Outreach and Evangelism, at Grace Emmanuel church in Port St Lucie.
Learn more at