Encounter Summer Intensive

For more information click here https://encounterschool.org/palmbeach/
July 31 - August 3, 6pm to 9pm each evening.
REGISTER ONLINE HERE https://encountersoflo.regfox.com/encounter-palm-beach-summer-intensive-2023
The Summer Intensive provides a survey of the first 4 quarters of the Encounter School of Ministry over a fast 4-day period. The Summer Intensive is a powerful experience that helps bridge the gap between the supernatural lifestyle of Jesus and the everyday experience of many believers. Focusing on topics from the first four quarters of Encounter School of Ministry, participants get a taste of the joy, transformation, and renewal that is at the heart of Encounter’s mission!
It's perfect for anyone desiring to attend the Encounter School during the year but unable to do so due to distance or schedule. This four night retreat is also ideal for those discerning their enrollment in the school but needing further discernment.
Designed and established from the heart of Encounter Ministries, the Encounter School draws from the richness of our Catholic heritage and seeks to teach, equip, and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in their spheres of influence. In conformity with the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church, the Encounter school offers a dynamic 2-year training program designed to take you to the next level in your journey with Christ. Before approval, our curriculum undergoes a rigorous academic curriculum review with a team of respected Catholic theologians.
Not only did they work to guarantee that the curriculum is free from moral and doctrinal error and rooted deeply in Scripture, official Church teaching and the testimony of the early Church fathers, but they helped to provide greater precision and accuracy in the curriculum to diminish possible confusion and ensure full continuity with Church teaching.
The Gospel is too good to keep to yourself. Over each of the 8-quarters presented, you will learn how to live a whole lifestyle that demonstrates the goodness of God in the world around you. In Year 1 you will learn to build a foundation for ministry on your royal identity as sons and daughters of God who experience transformation by the renewal of the mind. How to hear God’s voice more clearly for yourself and then step out in faith to hear God’s voice for the world around you. You will grow in confidence in God’s desire to confirm the proclamation of the Gospel through power and healing and you will grow in faith to be used by God for healing. By the end of the year, you will be equipped to participate in Jesus’ ministry of “healing the broken hearted and binding up their wounds.”
Year 2 will take you even deeper, as you learn to receive the Father’s heart for the lost and gain the faith to preach the Gospel and partner with the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the reality and truth of the Gospel with the power of God that He has given each of us. You will continue to receive from diocesan leaders in each area of ministry from the first four quarters that will bring you to a new level of depth and effect that was not possible in the first year and cultivating a lifestyle of communing with God in the secret place to be refreshed and renewed by the oil of His presence. By the end of Year 2, you will be prepared to get launched back into your sphere of influence to see the kingdom dreams become reality through equipping others to do the very same things you have learned to do!
The Encounter School of Ministry provides a safe space for you to learn, discern and take risks in developing your gifting, calling and confidence in stepping out in faith.
We believe that as you embrace your identity and live out of the inheritance Jesus won for you, your mission, ministry, and God-given dreams will flourish in every season of life.
"My greatest transformation was in the courage, boldness and Holy Spirit power I now feel within me, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prior to Encounter School of Ministry, even with being a Religious Sister, I felt hesitant at times to share Jesus. I did not want to be pushy, or labelled, or make people feel awkward, etc. All the reasons (excuses) given to me by my ego and the evil one to keep back the Good News. I now actually feel the Spirit’s power within me that has cast out that fear. I have been commanded, called and anointed for that very purpose…to share Jesus Christ and his saving LOVE with others. But it first begins with me. And by opening myself to this experience, Abba has deepened His life within me, bringing me healing, deeper peace, and further uncovering my true self.
I also know, through ESM, that this mission has come with the authority and resources to accomplish it. ( i.e. Matthew 28:18 & Luke 15:3) The Word of God spoken as well as the Word of God activated, through healings of body, mind and spirit, is what I now feel empowered and called to do! THIS is what God desires of us… how freeing, how awesome, how empowering. I have seen signs and wonders and miracles in this First Quarter – in myself and in others! Alleluia. It’s all true folks… it’s all true. “Come and See.”(John1:39 and 46)."
- Sister Kathleen Rooney, SSJ
Read more testimonies from students and participants of our Summer Intensive on our website at EncounterSchool.org/PalmBeach.