AIM Weekend Spiritual Retreat

The AIM (Achieve, Inspire, Motivate) ministry for adults with physical disabilities is hosting its 68th AIM Weekend Spiritual Retreat June 9 - 11, 2023 at the Duncan Center in Delray Beach, FL. The theme of the retreat is: “We are the Body of Christ and We Do Not Stand Alone.” The overnight retreat is open to anyone with physical disabilities or volunteers who receive training to assist them. Check out our website and see what AIM – Achieve, Inspire, Motivate – is all about. AIM is an outreach ministry of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Boca Raton, currently serving individuals in the Diocese of Palm Beach and the Archdiocese of Miami.
Father Michael Driscoll will be the spiritual director giving a talk each on Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Also, one of the founders of the ministry 44 years ago, Harriett Molinski, plans to attend as a retreatant this year, bringing the ministry full circle.
We will have a Corpus Christi procession to Saturday's Mass (from the conference center to the chapel) at about 11 a.m.
Saturday afternoon's events start at 3 p.m. Besides the talk and discussion, each table will draw a poster symbolizing their take on the weekend's theme, followed by an AIM's Got Talent where each table writes and then performs lyrics to a well-known song (He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, etc.).
After Sunday morning's talk, a ceremony is held at which each retreatant and their buddy come forward and pick a piece of Scripture that is then read aloud about them (almost as a blessing).
Bishop Barbarito is expected to celebrate the final Mass in the Chapel at 2 p.m. Sunday, which will be preceded by a "Spirit of AIM " talk that I will give (as retreat rector) at about 1:30 p.m.
To apply, interested participants should go to or contact Margarita Castellon or Larry Barszewski