Community Healing Service with Encounter Palm Beach

Jesus never proclaimed the gospel without demonstrating it in power and love. Jesus' Healing Ministry is at the heart of his gospel of power and he expects his disciples to administer his healing on earth (Mt. 16:18-19).
At Encounter, we believe that not only does Jesus still heal today, but that healing is one of the most powerful ministries of evangelization. Jesus never preached the Gospel of the kingdom of God without demonstrating the kingdom through signs, wonders, and miracles, with healing as the most frequent demonstration of God’s love. This will include a time of worship and praise, proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, corporate prayer for healing ending with individual prayer teams for healing. Our Encounter students and alumnae have been preparing to pray for your healing. Come prepared for breakthrough!
6:00pm – Opening Praise & Worship and Gospel Proclamation
6:30pm – Corporate Prayer for Healing & Testimonies
7:00pm – Individual Healing Session for those who do not experience breakthrough during the corporate session
8:30pm - Closing Benediction