Encounter Transformation Night with Alexis Walkenstein

"In the Church there is a diversity of ministry but a oneness of mission."
- Pope Paul VI, Apostolicam Actuositatem
Encounter Palm Beach Campus is honored to welcome ALEXIS WALKENSTEIN at our Transformation Night this April 2023. Be sure to JOIN US! You won't want to miss this night of worship or her powerful message on how we can Transform the Culture! Register NOW to Reserve Your Seat.
Alexis Walkenstein is an Emmy Award winning TV journalist turned film producer and PR pro. After covering murders, fires, the Kennedys, Super Bowls, the sex abuse in the Catholic Church and the death and funeral of now Saint John Paul II, Alexis became the chief spokesperson for Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito in the Diocese of Palm Beach. Through a deep desire to help renew the Church, Alexis left her mainstream career behind for a diocesan communications role and more direct evangelization. It was Pope John Paul II who inspired her to “go to the uncomfortable places,” which for a time was mainstream newsroom life – but during Saint John Paul II’s passing, Alexis was in Rome and God was stirring her heart and melting it toward a deeper call of service. After five years serving in the Diocese of Palm Beach, Alexis was called to a wider sphere of evangelization using film and media platforms. She has led publicity and strategy for some of the biggest faith films released out of Hollywood including, For Greater Glory, The Way, Little Boy, I Can Only Imagine, Mully, Breakthrough, I Still Believe, Blind Eyes Opened, Across, Fatima The Movie, Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton, The Trump I Know, Resurrection, Alive, The Harbingers of Things to Come, Slaves and Kings, Saint Michael, She Was Stronger, Jesus Revolution, and Unplanned which she co-produced and traveled worldwide for distribution. Alexis released FULTON J. SHEEN from Pauline Media’s new Ex Libris series. The work has been endorsed by Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito, Raymond Arroyo and Mark Hart.
Follow Alexis on Twitter @walkenstein and at LexiCaliBlog.com. Visit www.beinAWEpr.com for new business/speaking inquiries. #BeInAWE
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