Long Sleeve Relief Drive

Americans are all integrally connected to the farmworkers every time they eat. These men and women do some of the most important work in this country – feeding a nation – and deserve support. Caring about farmworkers reveals a care for the inherent dignity and humanity of the people in these communities.
Can you help? You can do this by collecting long-sleeve shirts and/or monies to benefit the farmworkers. Place announcements in your bulletin, or even ask a ministry, school or youth group to take this on as a Lenten project.
In addition to clean and gently used long-sleeve, button down shirts, the Farmworker Association of Florida is requesting the following items:
- Children's clothing
- Diapers and baby supplies
- Household items and children's toys
- Food donations, such as: Beans, rice, tortillas, maseca, cooking oil and canned soups
Please let us know if your parish or group will be participating as a collection and/or drop-off site: LSR@thefloridacatholic.org
Florida Catholic Media and the Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc., is grateful for every donation, whether it be monetary or material.