Catholic Days at the Capitol

Join fellow Catholics from around the state as they gather in Tallahassee to participate in Catholic Days at the Capital. Participants attend a legislative briefing on issues prior to scheduled meetings with their elected officials. A breakfast on day two is attended by the bishops of Florida, legislators and Catholic Days participants. The day ends with the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit (Red Mass) celebrated by the bishops of Florida for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The third day is for travel. In addition, this year, lunch will be available at the Capital on Wednesday on the 22nd floor. This is on the registration form and must be pre-ordered. The registration form is attached here to be mailed in, or will also be on our website at
Catholic Days will be in person only for 2022.
For more information, contact: Deanna Herbst-Hoosac (561) 360-3330