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Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning is a gift worth considering. 

A local couple shares their story…

From Cindy:  Chris and I have been married almost 20 years, and I can't imagine loving Chris more than I do right now.  Looking back, I believe the one thing that has strengthened us the most and brought us closer together as a couple has been the beautiful gift of Natural Family Planning.  At first, it seemed like a challenging "rule" imposed on us by the Church but, over time, we have come to see NFP truly as a gift handed to us by God, the author of love, to be unwrapped a little more each day.  God has protected me from the dangers of chemical contraceptives and strengthened us in our "yes" to the life-giving love and gift of self that we vowed on our wedding day. I can't imagine our lives any other way. NFP has taught us to trust God, to seek Him first in our marriage and to open our hearts to His desires for us.   
From Chris:  God designed marriage as an "intimate partnership of life and love" so we may better understand His love for us. NFP has strengthened our marriage and love for one another by encouraging us to understand and cooperate with God’s design for a woman’s fertility. NFP fosters a love and a way of life that is open to God's plan for our family and has helped us learn to love each other as God loves us.  This love permeates every aspect of our lives and flows into the raising of our children. Cindy and I are forever grateful for the gift of NFP that was proposed to us so many years ago.

Click here for more personal witness stories and information.  

If you need help choosing which NFP method best meets your needs or if you have other questions, contact Cindy Fulmer, Natural Family Planning Counselor, at 561- 629-3889 or

For online instruction, check with your preferred method’s website.

For local resources for CCL’s Sympto-Thermal method contact:

CCL Certified Promoters:

Chris & Cindy Fulmer
Jupiter | Email | Phone: 561- 629-3889

Marquette Method Instructor:

Sara Pietrowski
Jupiter & Online | Email | Phone: 561-320-2428

Sophia Downs
Phone: 772-485-4860

En español, para más información sobre los cursos llamar a:

Rosario Solis, La Oradora de Planificación Natural de la Familia 772-924-9591  o

En español, ofrecemos cursos del Método de la Ovulación Billings a:

Rosario Solis 772-924-9591   o

Billings Ovulation Method classes are available in both English and Spanish. For more information about the Billings Ovulation Method in English, click here. En Español, haga clic aquí. For online classes, click here for English or en Español.

La Planificación Natural de la Familia (PNF) es una manera segura, efectiva, y saludable de planificar su familia. La PNF fomenta el autoconocimiento, respeto mutuo y la valoración del don de la fertilidad que ayudan a edificar la relación matrimonial y ayudan a desarrollar la fuerza de carácter necesarios para un matrimonio para toda la vida.

La Diócesis de Palm Beach les invita a que descubran los diferentes métodos naturales modernos para planificar su familia. 

En español, ofrecemos cursos del Método de la Ovulación Billings.

El Método Billings es un método científicamente comprobado y es útil tanto para lograr como para evitar un embarazo y es también:

Fácil de aprender

Útil para mujeres con ciclos regulares o irregulares

99% efectivo para evitar un embarazo si se siguen las reglas.

No afecta la salud como las pastillas, inyecciones, parches, etc.

NO es el método del ritmo o del calendario.

Ayuda a las parejas con baja fertilidad a lograr un embarazo.

 Aprendan a planificar su familia de manera responsable y segura siguiendo las enseñanzas de la Iglesia.

Para más información sobre los cursos llamar a:

Rosario Solis 772-924-9591     o


