Enthusiastically inspiring married couples to respond to the gifts of the Catholic faith by putting Christ first in their lives in joyfully witnessing to others. Marriage Discipleship Teams meet weekly in a couple's home to study and understand salvation history. These discipleship groups seek to grow spiritually as couples who live sacramental marriages.
Purpose / Goals
Marriage Discipleship Teams seek to cultivate family values for the domestic church within each parish. Active teams grow spiritually with other couples to continue the formation they received in preparation for marriage or in RCIA. Meetings are designed to fuel desire for lifelong formation. Using guided formation, study and prayer, teams plan ways to share the mission of being a healthy and multiplying group.
Marriage Discipleship Team Mentor Training
Marriage Discipleship Team leaders are trained by the diocese. Understanding how to prepare and facilitate meetings, leaders will grow to mentor couples, find apprentice leaders and accompany couples as they share the mission to joyfully live out our Catholic faith.
Contact Us
Contact the office of family life at 561-775-9553 or family@diocesepb.org to find out how to start a Marriage Discipleship Team.
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