Office of Permanent Diaconate
The Office for Permanent Deacons is to provide assistance to the college of deacons of the Diocese of Palm Beach in areas pertaining to their life and ministry.
Is God calling you to serve Him as a Permanent Deacon?
The thought has crossed your mind, or perhaps others have suggested that you consider looking into the possibility of becoming a “Permanent Deacon”.
Just what does this entail? Well for starters, the Second Vatican Council, as the Council of Trent before it, called for the restoration of the permanent diaconate as one among three permanent and independent orders within the sacrament of Holy Orders. The words “deacon” and “diaconate” come from the Greek word diakonia which means “service” or “ministry”. A deacon then, is ordained by the Church for what the Second Vatican Council synthesized as service to the word, service to the altar, and service to charity.
The process of becoming a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Palm Beach begins with your discernment or God’s call through prayer and reflection. The next step is to discuss your interest and questions with your Spiritual Director and then your Pastor. If your Pastor approves, you may download the application from the Deacon Formation Web Page or call the Office of Permanent Diaconate Formation".
Currently the process entails five years of study, prayer, human and pastoral preparation at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach.
Extern Deacons
Have you moved from another Diocese and wish to serve your Diaconal Ministry in the Diocese of Palm Beach?
The Palm Beach Diocese is comprised of 54 Parishes from Sebastian to Boca Raton. Each one is unique to its community and Pastoral Staff. If you would like to apply for assignment with a parish in the Diocese of Palm Beach, please follow the listed requirements:
1. Certificate of Aptitude from your Ordination Diocese and approval from your ordinary to work outside your diocese.
2. Personal handwritten letter from Deacon to the Bishop and copy to Episcopal Delegate of Permanent Deacons requesting to minister in the Diocese of Palm Beach
To: Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Palm Beach
CC: Deacon Dave Zanotelli, Episcopal Delegate for Permanent Deacons
3. Recommendation letter from your last assigned parish Pastor
4. Incoming Pastor Request for Faculties Form or Letter (written or email)
5. A recent photograph of you and your wife, if applicable
6. Other information as included in the Application by a Permanent Deacon for Assignment to the Diocese of Palm Beach. Click here to Download the Application.