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Diaconate Ministry

Deacon Formation

(a program of the Diaconate Ministry)

Welcome and thank you for inquiring about initial qualifications to the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program (DFP) of the Diocese of Palm Beach.

This is an exciting time as you listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit regarding a potential vocation.

Currently the process entails five years of study, prayer, human and pastoral preparation at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, with new classes starting in August/September of even years. The formation program is preceded by a period of discernment, or "aspirancy" which prepares men; with the presence and support of their wives, if married, and family.

This is also the first-step in pursuing knowledge about the role of a deacon and diaconal ministry; the program of formation leading to potential ordination (reception of the Sacrament of Holy Orders); and exploring initial eligibility, which can be reviewed in the “Office of Diaconate Formation Aspirancy Guidelines.”

We encourage you to contact your parish priest and begin discerning this vocation by reading the “Discerning God’s Will” document.

If you need additional information, please contact the Office of Permanent Diaconate.

