As we face the beginning of the hurricane season, we pray that we will be blessed with no major storms in our area. We also pray in thanksgiving for the safety we have experienced in past seasons. I again ask that we all join together in a united prayer effort in our parishes and schools to thank God for the past several relatively calm hurricane seasons and petition for protection from devastating storms in the upcoming seasons. We are so grateful to God for the narrow escapes we had in past years and continue to pray for all those adversely affected by storms of any kind, past and present.
Thank you for your support of our prayer effort to ask God to keep us safe from hurricanes in this upcoming season and to pray for all adversely affected by them.
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach
God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord over all creation, we humbly
stand before you as your children in thanksgiving for your loving care and
protection. We ask that you keep us safe from all hurricanes and illness which
may threaten us in the coming seasons. Protect us from all fear and anxiety
and give us an ardent trust and hope in Your love and mercy. You alone have
the power to command the sea, the wind, and the rain. You alone bring peace,
calm, and safety. Father, we thank you in advance, for you are our only
Refuge. We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. Mary, Queen of the
Apostles, and Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.
Oracion para pedir proteccion contra las tormentas
Dios Padre nuestro, Creador del Universo y Senor de toda la creaci6n, humildemente nos presentamos
a ti, como hijos tuyos, en acci6n de gracias por tu amoroso cuidado y protecci6n. Te pedimos que nos
guardes de los huracanes y enfermedades que nos puedan amenazar en la pr6xima temporada.
Protegenos de todo temor y de la ansiedad que nos causan las tormentas y danos confianza ardiente
en Tu amor y misericordia. Solo Tu tienes el poder de mandar al mar, al viento y a la lluvia. Solo Tu
traes paz, calma y seguridad. Padre, te agradecemos de antemano, pues tu eres nuestro unico refugio.
Te lo pedimos por Cristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espiritu Santo, Dios, por los siglos
de los siglos. Amen. Maria, Reina de los Ap6stoles y Patrona de nuestra Di6cesis, mega por nosotros.
Bondye Papa nou, ou menm ki kreye syel la ak te'a, ou menm ki Bondye kreyasyon'an, nou kanpe
devan'w tou piti, nou menm ki 2oun an2, pou nou di'w mesi pou tout renmen ak pwoteksyon ou ban
nou. Nou mantle ou pou ou pwoteje 2oun an sezon siklon e maladi k'ap vini'an. Ban nou pwoteksyon
ou kont tout sa ki vie fe nou pe, kont tout angwas e ban nou plis lafwa ak lesperans nan renmen ak
mizerikod ou'a. Se ou menm sel ki gen pouvwa pou komande lanme'a, van ak lapli. Se ou menm sel
ki kapab bay lape ak pwoteksyon. Papa, nou di 'w mesi davans, paske se ou menm ki refij nou. Nou
lapriye ou konsa nan non Jezi-Kri pitit ou, li menm ki vivan e ki ap komande ansanm avek ou,
ansanm ak Lespri Sen'an, Bondye, kounye'a e pou toutan. Amen. Mari, ren Apot yo, ou menm ki
patron Dyosez nou'an, lapriye pou nou.
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