The Lent of Pope Francis
The first example that Pope Francis gives us is that of prayer. He often speaks of the priority of prayer and reminds us of how it is the most important thing in which we are engaged. Again, he continually asks personally for prayer for himself, as well as for us to pray for each other. He reminds us of the importance of taking time to be alone in the presence of God and to listen to God as he truly speaks to us during this time.
The Journey of Hope
It was obvious that, in accord with the theme for the Holy Year, Pilgrims of Hope, all those present were on a journey. God created us and placed us in this world to make a journey to Him. We come into this world as infants, and grow through all of the stages of life, as on a journey, until we are taken into the fullness of life with God. That journey that we take is meant to be a happy one, even though we may face many difficulties, disappointments, sufferings and setbacks in life.
The Blessings of Frailty
Ash Wednesday reminded us in a very vivid manner of “the blessing of frailty” which we all share in our human condition. As the priest placed the blessed ashes on our forehead in the form of a cross, one of the formulas he may have used was “Remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” We all live under the illusion of immortality. While we acknowledge that someday we are going to die, we live in a manner that many times denies this reality.
This Nation, Under God
Our Founding Fathers and our early presidents would have been appalled at the idea of our nation excluding God and religion, as they are essential to our existence. Indeed, the United States came into existence so that men and women could freely express their belief in God, who alone is the chief executive, lawmaker and judge of our country and our world!
God’s Plan from the Beginning
In the beginning, we see that God created the world. It did not come into existence by an accident but from the very being of God Himself. The account of creation in the Book of Genesis makes very clear that God created the world out of nothing, but with a purpose and order. We read of the creation of light, water and all of those elements which give and sustain life from God.
One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All
At this time, we offer our prayers for our migrant brothers and sisters who may be experiencing fear and isolation. We offer our prayers for our nation in regard to true immigration reform. We offer prayers for our president and leaders within this nation to implement such reform. We offer prayers for unjust nations from which people are fleeing due to situations which are in need of reform. Prayer is always our greatest resource, and it is continually God’s grace that makes a difference.
Hope and Marriage — You Can’t Have One Without the Other
Hope and marriage go together, as each of the spouses must have hope in each other as the foundation of their union. That hope is one in which each of the spouses believe in the power of God’s love in each other and find God’s presence in that. As Pope Francis has stated, “To hope, then, is to welcome this gift that God offers us every day..."
Communicators of Hope
During this year’s celebration of world communications, Pope Francis spoke on many different topics pertaining to communications in conjunction with the theme of the Jubilee Year of Hope. In his message to journalists on the feast of Saint Francis de Sales, the pope emphasized that they should be “communicators of hope” in our time, which is so characterized by misinformation and polarization.
United in Faith and Community
Our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Palm Beach are a great treasure and a priority in its life. They are a privileged place where young people get together in a context of faith and community to grow as they learn about themselves, the world they are growing in and, above all, the God who created it. This year, Catholic Schools Week is from Jan. 28 to Feb. 3.
The Protection of Unborn Children
The right to life of an unborn child is neither a federal nor state issue, as it is a fundamental right given to us by God in accord with the very purpose for which our great nation was founded. Our country came into existence on the principle, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, that the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is granted to all persons by God Himself.
Hope in the Present Moment
A familiar cycle repeats itself as another year ends and a new one begins. While the cycle may be the same, we are not. The experiences of the previous year have transformed each of us in various ways, and the coming days will likewise do the same. We look back and we look ahead. However, it is important to recognize that it is in the present moment that we live. The past and the future funnel into the present moment.
What is Christmas All About?
Christmas is a celebration of hope. It is a celebration that reminds us in a world torn by war, inequality, tragedy and lack of respect for God’s creation as He planned it, God always remains with us, even to the point of becoming one of us... He will never abandon us, wrapping us in His love. Nothing but the words of the Gospel can give us this hope.
Mary — The New Eve
Mary’s Immaculate Conception makes clear the eminent and singular place she holds in the life of the Church and in heaven. Chosen by God to be the first to share in the fullness of Christ’s redemption, Mary did not have the least complicity with sin. Her Immaculate Conception is the basis for Mary’s being able to be completely free from the slightest sin all during her life.
Reflections for Advent
During this season, may we reflect more deeply upon its meaning in order to bring a fuller joy to our lives. Pope Francis beautifully stated in regard to the season of Advent, “Just as in each of our lives we always need to begin again, to get up again, to rediscover the meaning of the goal of our lives, so also for the great human family it is always necessary to discover the common horizon toward which we are journeying. The horizon of hope!
Thanksgiving is the Heart of America
Thanksgiving is truly American, and its celebration through the years of our nation with sumptuous food, family gatherings, football games and joyful parades is a sign of the abundance of this land. Thanksgiving expresses the heart of our nation, which is gratitude to God for our land rich in many ways, especially our freedom. It is a land of welcoming of others to it.